I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography

Mini Sessions start at $495, Full Sessions start at $700, Newborn sessions start at $800


    Archive for the ‘Portraits’ Category

    2013 Portrait Sessions!

    What a wonderful year it has been! Thought it would be cool to create a collage of all the different families, businesses, and celebrations I had the privilege of photographing in 2013. Thank you so much, it has been such an honor! : ) Looking forward to seeing your faces again in 2014 as well as meeting new friends! : )

    Stay tuned for my 2013 engagement sessions + wedding collage!

    Descanso Gardens + Silverlake Portrait Session: Gwen Christine Wu

    My best friend is so beautiful!! Take a look at these photos and you will definitely agree! hehe : ) Gwen and I have been friends since the 5th grade. I remember the first day of school when she rushed into the classroom late, helmet on her little head and a big bandage on her chin. She was the new girl at school that year and we quickly became friends. Through the awkward years of junior high we learned to lean on each other for support and encouragement and even now, things have not changed. Gwen and I have walked through some of the most difficult and the most joyful seasons of life together and I am so so so thankful to have her by my side through it all!

    Gwen is currently studying law at Berkeley (yes, she’s not only beautiful but smart too!) and I am so proud of who she is and who she is becoming! Love you! : )

    Pasadena Portrait Session: Morning with Lor

    I love that Loretta wanted to celebrate her 25th birthday with a portrait session. Birthdays are a big deal, you know? For my 23rd birthday, my golden year, I flew into Minnesota to get my portraits taken and I am so so glad I decided to do it! I was excited to find out that Loretta’s reason for this session was similar to mine. She had recently found pictures of her grandma while looking through old albums. Pictures from her grandma’s younger years, waaay before Loretta even met her. There’s really something about seeing someone in a way you’ve never seen before. You feel like you know them in a new way. You understand them better. You even love them a little more! I love how photographs can do that (and that’s why I do what I do!). I remember seeing pictures of my mom before she married my dad and realizing how human my mom was. She had a life before me with hopes and expectations for the future. I stared at the pictures and wondered what my mom was thinking then, what struggles she was going through at the time, and what kind of dreams she was keeping in her heart.

    Loretta wanted to document her 25th for that same reason. She wanted to remember and to be known. Lor, you look absolutely beautiful in these pictures. Your future kids (and husband!) will love them! ; )

    dress: Forever 21 + Vivian Chan

    Portrait Session with Brittany Marie!

    Ok Brittany, you are just drop dead gorgeous. Seriously, you are! : )
    Brittany is my high school friend’s younger sister and I can’t believe how grown-up she is now! Shortly after our portrait session she was signed to One Source Talent agency; I am so proud of you girl! While talking to Brittany about her modeling career she mentioned how no one could quite categorize her into a certain “look.” I totally agree! You stand out Brittany. Your exotic looks set you apart in the industry and I know you will do SO well! Praying for more open doors in this coming season and blessings as you pursue your dreams! : )

    Daniel’s 1 Year!

    I met the Dustan and Cheryl even before baby Daniel (who really insn’t a baby anymore!) was born. They were just parents-to-be at the time and I fell in love with them during our maternity shoot. Then I had the pleasure of meeting Daniel for the first time a few months later for his newborn session, fell in love with his laugh and smile during his 4 months session, witnessed his almost-first steps for his 8 months, and finally had the such a great time photographing his 1 year. Baby Daniel (I still can’t stop calling him that!) really isn’t a baby anymore! He’s up and running with so much energy! What a handsome little fellow he his! : )

    Cheryl, Dustan, and Daniel- thank you SO much for allowing me to be a part of your lives this past year and a half. It’s been such a pleasure and SUCH an honor! I can’t wait for the next time I get to see you all! : )

    Olivia’s 6 Months!

    I can’t believe how fast my little niece is growing! Born last November, Olivia is now past 6 months. So thankful that I am able to capture little moments of this cutie’s life. She has been such a joyful baby from the beginning and I’m so sure her smile will melt your heart!
    For Livie’s 6 month shoot we decided to bring in some of the yummy treats she’s starting to enjoy (And for those wondering that purple thing in the picture is purple yams! If you’ve never had it before, you are missing out! haha. Try it now at an Asian market near you!).
    And now some of older sister Angelina, who had just turned 4 when we took these pictures! My other sister (..and her husband + baby girl!) and I gifted Lina this sandbox for her 4th birthday; She loves it! : )

    Maternity Session @ Propel!

    After having afternoon tea at the Langham Caroline Tran provided us with a few beautiful shoots (there is one more post coming your way!). Ashley was our model for the pregnancy boudoir session and all the photographers fell in love with her. She is GORGEOUS! Thank you Twigs & Honey for providing this beautiful headpiece. Check out the website- there are TONS of other goodies there : )

    I heard Ashley just had her baby this week. Congrats Ashley! : )

    This picture below (left) was posted on Twigs & Honey’s facebook page! Thank you! : )

    Stay tuned for one more post from Caroline Tran’s Propel workshop!

    Hair and Make-up by Chiali Meng

    Senior Portraits with Tiffany!

    Tiffany just graduated from UCSB yesterday! Yay, CONGRATS girl! You did it! : )

    I met Tiffany at one of my favorite cafes late last year. Since then we’ve become good friends and it’s been such a treat getting to know her! Seriously, what a divine appointment that was. Tiffany is really funny and super quirky- I’m always laughing when I’m around her! haha. I’m so excited that you’re back in the San Gabriel Valley now. We will have many more cafe dates to come! : )

    Tiffany, you are beautiful! I loved photographing you!

    Congrats again girl! Excited to see what God has in store for you this season!