I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography

Mini Sessions start at $495, Full Sessions start at $700, Newborn sessions start at $800


    Archive for the ‘Senior Portraits’ Category

    Senior Portraits with Tiffany!

    Tiffany just graduated from UCSB yesterday! Yay, CONGRATS girl! You did it! : )

    I met Tiffany at one of my favorite cafes late last year. Since then we’ve become good friends and it’s been such a treat getting to know her! Seriously, what a divine appointment that was. Tiffany is really funny and super quirky- I’m always laughing when I’m around her! haha. I’m so excited that you’re back in the San Gabriel Valley now. We will have many more cafe dates to come! : )

    Tiffany, you are beautiful! I loved photographing you!

    Congrats again girl! Excited to see what God has in store for you this season!

    Senior Portraits with Maika

    Maika is the sweetest girl in the art department. I think we first met in our ceramics class (is that right, Maika?! It’s been so long! haha) and I automatically fell in love with her colorful personality and playful spirit (her outfit for this shoot couldn’t have matched her personality better!). Maika is from New Zealand and has the coolest/cutest accent ever– I love listening to her talk! What a pleasure it was to photograph this sweet girl and hang out with her before she moves to Japan early next month. Thank you for such a fun session Maika! : )

    Oh Maika, you are way too cute! I love your laugh : ) And check this little guy out. Maika bought this stuffed animal (amphibian?!) frog when she first came to the U.S. He has been with her throughout the four years at UCLA. I love the little graduation hat she bought for him : )

    now, some with Maika and her graduation hat…
    oh, and THIS book! The book we all loved oh so much! haha. That’s one thing I don’t miss for sure!
    A HUGE congrats on your graduation, Maika. What a great accomplishment! I am so proud of you and am SO excited for your new season in Japan. Keep in touch, and I’m totally looking forward to the next time I get to see you : )

    Senior Portraits with Jenny Davis

    I was a nervous wreck that afternoon. I stood outside the classroom awkwardly, not really sure what to do with myself and the extra fifteen minutes I had before class started. I sort of felt out of place standing there in the art department and I’m sure those who were waiting with me must have known I wasn’t an art major by how uncomfortable I must have looked (and if they didn’t know it then, they did when I started asking lots and lots of questions). Jenny was among the few waiting with me that day. I remember she was wearing a green floral shirt and desperately trying to make some kind of connection with the art majors, I told her my favorite color was green, haha. Jenny was so kind, though, and super patient with me. She calmly explained what the classes were like and told me I was going to be ok. I don’t even know if you remember all of that, Jenny, but til this day, I’m so thankful for your kindness! : )
    I’m so glad I got into the art major that year, because- well one, I wouldn’t be here photographing these amazing people if I didn’t, and two, because I wouldn’t have met and gotten to know these amazing people..people like Jenny.
    So where do I begin with Jenny Davis? You already know that she’s kind, but she’s also an amazing artist and talented fashion designer. I was able to photograph her line at UCLA’s FAST Spring Fashion Show a few weeks back, and WOW, I was SO impressed with her work! You can check out her designs on my facebook album here. And now ladies and gentlemen, Jenny Davis!
    you are so cute Jenny! : )

    this camera belonged to Jenny’s mom! : )

    and of course, we had to take some photos by the Serra sculpture!

    Jenny, you’re beautiful! Congrats on your graduation- I’m so proud of you! I’m so excited for where your talents and amazing personality will take you. Best of luck! : )

    Portrait Session with Loretta Wang

    Being a photographer can be sort of lonely at times. I spend hours and hours of my day sitting in front of the computer replying to emails, editing photos, posting on facebook, blogging…it’s kind of intense, you know what I mean? And so it’s always nice to have other photographers around to bounce off ideas and to chat with, while replying to emails, editing photos, posting on facebook, blogging..! Loretta is a dear friend of mine AND a fellow photographer (check out her stuff here!) and I get so excited every time we get to meet up to catch-up or to work together at a nearby cafe. Lor, you’re just that refreshing! : )
    Loretta might look familiar to some of you and that’s because she practically knows the whole world! It’s true! hehe. Our group of friends joke about this a lot, because she knows at least one person at every restaurant/hang-out place we go to. Loretta just graduated from Fullerton and will be officially launching her photography business this year (can i get a woot woot?!). She wanted to get some pictures with her graduation gown and some headshots for her website…and of course, a few with Jade.
    Everyone say hello to Jade, Loretta’s dog! I usually don’t like animals (I know, I knoooow..I have cold heart!), but I do like Jade! She was so cute during our shoot and SO shy! Every time I had the camera up she’d look away, haha.
    After we wore Jade out we busted out the cap and gown!…Loretta graduated a year later than the rest of her class because she took a year off to go on missions in Africa. How cool is that? So proud of you Lor! : )
    Now, a change of clothes and a change of location! Loretta, you look SO GOOD!
    Gosh, Lor…you’re glowing!
    and now some with her camera! I love love LOVE these next shots…
    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Lor! Whoever you end up with will be a lucky man indeed : ) I’m super excited for all the exciting things ahead of you…I am rooting for you all the way, girl!
    I’ll be shooting a wedding for my high school friend this Saturday and Loretta will be coming with me! Check back for a sneak peek! : )

    Senior Portraits with Jenn

    Jenn and I met for the first time the morning of our shoot. We had been talking through email for some time, but kept having to postpone our session because of all the random rain. It was such a pleasure finally meeting Jenn and her mom Rita, who Jenn asked to tag along the morning of. I had a great time getting to know the both of you! : )
    Jenn, you are beautiful!… and I do love those boots! I’m so glad Rita joined us that day. She stood behind me for most of the shoot and made Jenn laugh with funny comments and silly poses .
    We found this log towards the end of our shoot and I love how these turned out.
    silly Jenn : ) hehe Jenn will be graduating from USD this May…GO TOREROS! Good luck with your last few weeks of school and all the best to your bright future! : )