Mayumi and Susan are two women I totally admire. They are ambitious, strong, and my friendly neighbors! : ) We lived next door to each other for as long as I can remember and I have such fond memories of movie nights and tea parties over at their home. Susan is just one year older than I am and one year younger than my third sister Eunice so we all became very close during elementary school. I miss those days where we would come back from class, hang out at my house, eat yummy snacks, and play Chinese jump rope (Who else loves this game?! I was pretty good at it- went all the way up to waist-ees!). What a pleasure it was to take portraits for these two that I respect and love so much.
While I feel like I’m much closer to Susan, simply because we’re closer in age, I’ve been getting to know Mayumi more than just a “fun mom” recently and more as a person and as a business woman. I love that! Since she started her own skin care salon 17 years ago, she has much wisdom to share and I have much to learn from her. Mayumi first started Scent of Lavender in a little space she rented out from a hair salon. Now, she has her own place in San Marino. I know she has worked extremely hard to get to where she is now and I feel inspired just thinking about her journey. So everyone, if you need a facial (I’m going in for one tomorrow! : )), skin care products, or just inspiration, check out Scent of Lavender!
Now Susan! Oh, Susan. She is currently attending Med School at UCSD and I am so proud of her! She is not only a dreamer and a high achiever, but she also has the discipline and determination to make these dreams come true. Susan is bright, smart (She used to help me with all my calculus homework!), and totally tough (don’t mess with her!). I admire her for always keepin’ it real. You’re beautiful, Susanna (don’t call her that- it’s not her real name! I don’t know why I love to, though…).
I love it when these two are together. I wish I could record their conversations for you, because they’re just so fun! Btw, Susan and Mayumi are both really into Yoga. Check out Susan’s crazy pose a few pictures down!
I am lucky to have such wonderful neighbors. Thank you for such a wonderful session and for the delicious sushi you guys treated me out to afterwards! : ) Bless you!
I think you captured their relationship perfectly Eileen! 😀
[…] I introduced you to my neighbors Susan and Mayumi a few post back. Well, these are my other neighbors, the Chungs! They moved in earlier this year […]