I'm Eileen, so nice to meet you! I am a Los Angeles based photographer, passionate about people and a huge fan of love. I truly believe photography is God's gift to me; through it I am able to share life with some of the most amazing people. What a privilege and joy it has been!

Click on the next page for more on me or take a peek at my own wedding day here.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings!

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography


I use way too many exclamation marks, but I'm really just that excited!!!! I want to know what moves your heart. I say "that's so funny" quite a bit, but it can mean a number of things. I am a lover of donuts and tea. I floss every night before bed! I love the idea of being spontaneous, but rarely do things unplanned. I am the youngest of four girls, but I'm taller than all my sisters. I would love to open a cafe someday. I am fascinated by the bridegroom God and his ravished heart for all of humanity

photo by Shelley Paulson Photography



    Family Session with the Shiehs

    [“LIKE” this blogpost and leave a comment below to enter for another chance to win aƂĀ FREE PHOTOSHOOT!]

    When my childhood friend Ingrina told me this would be the first time her entire family will be together in years, my heart broke. I am so spoiled with so much family around me it’s hard to imagine being apart from them for that long of a time. I am so glad I was able to have a session with the Shiehs, a family I grew up with, and to really bless them with photographs to remember this season of their lives.

    Daddy and Mommy Shieh are so cute! A few photos down, you’ll see Mommy Shieh asking Daddy to sing her some songs. Love is sweet : )

    Siblings! : ) Ingrina got married a week before our shoot and would be heading out to the UK just a few days after. I love that her brother suggested some pictures with mommy and daddy.

    and now, bring in the rest of the family!ƂĀ 

    To Jeff now in Japan, Ingrina and Alan in the UK, and to Jonathan and Mr. and Mrs. Shieh in the states, bless you! Thank you for such a wonderful session. I’m excited for the next time you will all be together again! : )

    Posted in Uncategorized

    7 Responses

    1. Andrea says:

      I love how you capture the essence of the family. šŸ™‚ <3

    2. Phoebe says:

      OMG This family is the BEST. I miss them so much =) I used to follow the siblings around like a puppy haha

    3. Lisa Furumoto says:

      Ahh Eileen, your family sessions always seem to show such joy ! šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

    4. Tiffa Lu says:

      so cuteeee

      where is this locate at? wonderful background and amazing shoots..
      I will ask u to take my family picture when i have a job šŸ™‚

    5. Jessica Lockie says:

      These are great family photos! It is so special that they were all together! Great job Eileen!

    6. Grace Fang says:

      The older the children get, the more rare these opportunities are… gotta capture the moments šŸ˜‰

    7. Laisa Cheang says:

      you do such a good job at capturing their love!

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