Hello everyone! : )
I’m so excited to share this new blog with you all. Thank you Tailwind web design for working so hard with me to put this site together! We still have a few things to work out (a bigger photo gallery, etc..), but tadaaaa, here it is! : )Â What do you guys think?
Because I’ve been working on this blog for the last few days, I wasn’t able to get too much editing done. However, I do want to post a few sneak-peeks from my shoots this past week. There’s a lot to look forward to! : )
Portrait Session with Michelle Ford
Family Session with the Lais
Family Session with the Chens
There’s also an upcoming PHOTOSHOOT GIVEAWAY coming your way! Keep checking back for more details! : )
And lastly, I’ll be heading off to Texas this Monday! My cousin Dave and his wife Stephany invited me to stay with them for the week and to take some portraits for their baby boy. They also have a 4-year old, Ella, and she is just the cutest thing! You better believe there will be pictures/updates to come : )
ok, goodnight!